Sunday, March 11, 2012

Decking Progress

So progress on the deck has been slow for several reasons. Firstly the rain just won't stop. The mean monthly rainfall for Feb and March are 51mm and 55mm. This year the mean rainfall for Feb was 127mm and for the first 11 days of March it's 170mm! This has meant the deck man who is responsible for building the steel structure wasn't able to get out of his property due to flooding but even if he could it was way too wet for outdoor welding!

Second complication was that Grandad, Andy's assistant for installing the boards, was suppose to fly in to Canberra last friday but is currently in hospital after requiring surgery for a ruptured achilles tendon which snapped while he was playing his weekly indoor cricket match. We are all really devastated that he won't be joining us but hope he has a speedy recovery and is back on his feet soon.

Despite these setbacks, the timber from Thor's Hammer arrived at the end of last week. Today we managed to oil both sides of the 129 planks of wood which are now drying. We have removed the camelia tree much to Ella's disappointment as she loves the flowers. I've also moved the few shade loving plants from in front of the current porch.The deck man is pencilled in to come on wednesday to start construction on the frame barring rain.

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