We made considerable progress on the deck this week,

and are fast approaching a usable product. It all started on Thursday, when we took the luxury of sending Ella to pre-school, getting an extra day of childcare for Katy and a day off work for me. Amazing what you can get done when you have time to focus. By evening we had made it half-way to the front door, and by Friday night we had enough deck laid to precariously balance a table there and eat our pizza.

Another two full days of work this weekend, with Jase standing in for Nat during her girls lunch had us finished by lunchtime Sunday (with the exception of two small finicky pieces that will be done at our leisure). We had planned to oil the deck today, but afternoon rain put paid to that.

So we covered the deck with plastic and went out for the afternoon. Magically, it fined up, and after we got home I magnanimously let Nat go out to do the oiling. In true Nat style, it was polished off well after sunset...
So, provided this oil dries before the next shower, we have a usable deck. A few things still to go -- the finicky pieces mentioned above, the handrails that we plan to do at some stage

... oh, and of course it would be a little more welcoming if we managed to build some steps so that our visitors didn't need to clamber onto the deck ...