Luckily the Easter Bilby visited us at Potato Point not once but twice! Firstly he snuck into our tent during the night and hid 2 small easter rabbits in the girls pencil tin. Then while the kids were at the playground mid morning, the bilby returned to hide a whole heap of eggs around our campsite.
The kids enjoyed hunting for the chocolate eggs. Once all were found, we collected and divided up the goodies. It's funny watching their reactions and listening to their chatter. According to Ella her Dad heard the bilby in the tent at night and her Mum saw the tail of the bilby disappearing into the bushes in the morning!! What's even more hilarious is that probably half of the children didn't eat their chocolate eggs - Mia doesn't like chocolate but like to carry them around, Katy had enough after the first 2 and left the rest of hers and Mira liked to unwrap the eggs placing the foil in one pocket of her chair and the chocolate in the other! One thing for sure was that post easter egg hunt, the kids sat together and still for at least 10mins while 'eating' their eggs!

Ready, set, GO!

Looking, Looking


Ah the serenity - post easter egg hunt!
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