Sunday, May 13, 2012


Our trips to Perth always involve an overnight stay with our very good friend Annwen and her children Ashley and Nathan who reside in Bunbury. It just so happen that on the Saturday, the local orienteering club SWOT were holding an event at Evedon Ridge. Parking at the quarry certainly provided entertainment for Ella and Katy while Andy and I tag teamed. Combining the steep slope, dry gum leaves and notorious WA red gravel made for a very slippery course. Fun all the same especially with the sunny warm weather!

Next stop Annwen's house. Before our tour of Annwen's new enormous abode had even finished, the girls had already reacquainted themselves and Ashley was busy painting fingernails and toenails! The kids played heaps together (with the occssional disagreement) and were pretty exhausted by bedtime.

Next morning was perfect - morning run followed by cooked breakfast then down to the Bunbury foreshore to scoot, skate and ride and enjoy a takeaway coffee! With the school term beginning the next day for Annwen our visit was short and sweet but as always very enjoyable. 

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