It was all hard work and not much playing today...well for some. While Andy was on his normal sunday morning long run, the girls and I headed over to Nana and Grandpa's house to help shift the 8 cubic metres of mulch!
It was such a glorious day to be in the garden.We worked the morning - I loaded up the wheelbarrow and dumped the mulch in the garden beds, Nana spread the mulch out and the girls did multiple things including 'helping' load mulch, riding in the wheel barrow, playing and building fairy houses. By lunchtime after moving about half of the mulch, Nana called it quits.
Back at home the work in the sunshine continued. Andy tinkered with his new bike (more on that later), did the odd job around the garden and finished by cleaning our very dirty greasy bbq. I weeded the vegie patch, mowed the lawn, changed the straw in the chook house and did some general tidying up. The girls rode bikes, jumped on the trampoline, played hockey then assisted Andy cleaning the bbq. How is it whenever water is involved our girls end up naked!!!
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