Katy is growing up fast! Although she is confident with drawing people and faces, she isn't so with writing letter or numbers. However during the week, she had a go at writing her name. Not bad for a first attempt. Another highlight was yesterday's swimming lesson. As it was the last lesson (and possibly the last ever at CISAC as we are going to try the AIS next year) we arrived early to have a turn on the jumping pillow as well as a pre lesson splash. During this swim Katy spent more time under the water than above! Also as it was the last lesson, the instructors (or mum in our case) take the kids down the curly enclosed water slide for a bit of fun. For the last year Katy has always been keen to go down until we sit down at the top of the slide when she decides it too scary and starts to cry. By this time it is too late to turn around so we slide down together with Katy howling! Not this time though - there was no crying, just giggling and after splashing in the water at the bottom, there was even a request to go again and again!
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