Christmas was special this year as the girls had both sets of grandparents present. Grandad and Nana arrived a few days prior to Christmas and spent just over a week with us before they returned to scorching Perth. The girls love doing craft with Nana - so out came several of the xmas gifts which allowed Andy and I some time to do other house related jobs! In fact Andy, with apprentice Grandad in tow, completed nearly all of his summer tasks over two days. For the previous two years Andy's summer task list has taken him at least 6 months to do! I suppose it helps when the list doesn't include deck building.
The other wonderful thing about having extra help around was that Andy and I could actually go for our (almost) annual run together! We had intended on going to see a movie too but didn't quite have enough time for that.

One small problem however with having both grandparents over at the same time was that our car isn't big enough to fit everyone in. We did manage a few trips out thanks to borrowing other Nana's car or riding bikes. Firstly we had a relaxing dinner at Edgars Inn.
Over the weekend we took advantage of the beautiful weather to head to Cotter Bend for a picnic. Taking our bathers, we ventured into the Murumbidgee river to cool off.
We christened our new (thanks Uncle Daryl and Aunty Michelle!) and very big paddling pool. It will be very handy with the hot weather forecast.
Then it was time to say goodbye to Nana and Grandad. We are hoping to see them again before going on our exciting trip to the UK in April.
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