John Heyworth opened this park in 1970 just as safari parks were becoming trendy. At the heart of this 160 acre park is the Bradwell Grove Manor House where John was born and lived. Although we didn't have time to look inside the manor, it was a stunning and surreal backdrop to the rhinos, zebras and giant tortoises enclosures!

Once our batteries were recharged we marvelled at the size of the giant tortoises, came eye to eye with a few of the giraffes thanks to a special observation deck, glanced at the sleeping lions, sadly observed a crazy (bored?) ostrich repeatedly pecking at his wire fence, watched a male peacock trying unsuccessfully to impress the white female peahen by the size of his plumage and tiptoed quietly through the woodland hoping to spot a wolf or two but they were all asleep too!

Another (!) toilet request and with our departure time fast approaching we whizzed past the flock of flamingos, the anteaters and the capybara (enormous rodents described as a cross between a guinea pig and hippopotamus) with it's very cute month old twins Pippin and Merry. A quick detour through the reptile house before arriving back at the meeting up point just in time to have an ice cream before boarding the coaches bound for home. A quiet drive back with happy and exhausted children with only 1 falling asleep!
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