Saturday morning we were travelling yet again although this was to be our last mini-expedition for our UK trip. We arrived at Hursley Park, just south of Winchester, in time for us all to partake in the Southampton Orienteering Summer Series event #7. Andy joined forces with Dave to take the children around the 2km yellow course while I had a run.
The group of 4 children splintered shortly after the start with the 3 girls charging off from Duncan. However as the girls became sidetracked by one thing or another, Duncan's slow determination would have him back in contact. In fact towards the later stages of the course, it looked as if Duncan was going to overtake the girls until I appeared at their 2nd last racing them to the final control and up to the finish.
Next was the boys turn to race as Christine arrived from her morning work commitment. Andy put up a solid effort but was no match for Dave with his home ground advantage (he works for IBM who own and operate from Hursley Park). Meanwhile the children ate, then continued playing various games with the building of camp fires being the most popular. This involved dragging increasingly larger logs from the woods onto the adjacent lovely grassy area before arranging them into a suitably shaped camp fire!

The rest of the afternoon was spent at Christine and Dave's home in Chandlers Ford enjoying the beautiful back garden, playing around the house and enjoying a home cooked dinner! With energy levels waning it was soon time for books and bed for the children. As they all decided to sleep in the same room we suspected it would take awhile. Initially all was silent but we weren't fooled - it didn't last for long - lots of giggling, jumping on the bed and a pillow fight followed. Next was the 'dobbing in updates' ably led by Ella. Finally it came to separation with Emma choosing another room so she could actually get to sleep! It wasn't long after that all was quiet.

Sunday dawned with the promise of more blue skies and temperature in the mid 20's - yes summer has finally arrived and perhaps will hang around for awhile!! Farley Mount was chosen for our morning activity. Dave ran there with Andy, while Christine and I drove with the children. The play areas in West Wood were fantastic. Firstly was a series of logs, rocks and mounds encouraging children to develop their skills in balancing. Next was the climbing pyramid - too many choices - climb up or down, inside or out. using ladders, rock holds or strips of wood. This piece of play equipment was definitely Katy and Ella's favourite.
The last play area consisted of tunnels and den building section. We were all having fun until an outburst from Ella, which put a dampener on the end of a wonderful time with great friends. Hopefully Ella will have matured somewhat by the time the Currie Family visit it us in Oz...was that in 2015???
1 comment:
Glad you all had fun - we all certainly enjoyed the weekend. Have a great last few weeks in the UK and a safe flight home. See you in 2015!!
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