It was wonderful to see their confident grow, getting accustomed to the movement of the waves. Ella was in her element, diving under the waves and creeping ever so further out! I found it scary at times, as she couldn't see over the top of the waves and therefore couldn't see when a 'big' one was coming! Regardless, she managed to avoid being dumped but I suppose there is always next time!
We feasted on fish'n'chips for lunch before beginning the drive home. I entertained myself by watching the car thermometer - as we climbed Brown Mountain the outside temp dropped to 24ºC, then steadily rose - 31ºC at Nimmitabel, 34ºC at Cooma and finally 38ºC in Canberra. Our holiday ended but we all agreed that Tathra is a fantastic spot, the house was wonderful and timing perfect (with NSW and VIC schools going back) meaning that this may become an annual occurrence!
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