While Andy was
sunning himself working in Hawaii last week, I was kept busy with two young ladies! Actually I tried to turn the tables on Sunday morning with a bike ride around Lake Ginninderra...the ulterior motive I was hoping to get a run in too!
With their newly self purchased wire baskets packed with appropriate water bottle and soft toy, we were off! Our ride/run began at John Knight Memorial Park heading in an anticlockwise direction. Was slightly worried at first when Katy wobbled onto the wrong side of the path just as a train of mtb's came hurtling along. Thankfully she managed to focus and manoeuvre onto the correct side without incident!

It was mid morning by the time we got going and the sun was beating down as we rolled along Ginninderra Drive, avoiding the extra distance of the peninsula loop. I overtook the girls at this stage and was wondering if plan B needed to be implemented. However this was short lived, as Ella remembered the flying fox on the western shore of the lake and zoomed off taking Katy with her!

We were 3km into our journey, so a distraction ride on the flying fox was much needed along with a drink. Hanna the kookaburra and Peter Rabbit were both enjoying their ride and the baskets were doing well. There were a few small grumbles as we set off again but these didn't last long as the girls ambled along. I was secretly hoping that we would make it around without another stop however the redeveloped promenade at Emu Inlet next to the Belconnen Arts Centre was too inviting for the girls! They chatted to the black swan and ducks swimming in the inlet while they enjoyed the chocolate frog I'd brought along to boost their energy levels.
The last mile was flat and easy with the girls recognising the italian restaurant where we had dinner with Grandad. Over the bridge with the finish in sight, I was happy inside knowing that we'd made it around and it had been a really enjoyable outing and without any stacks...then bang before I knew it I'd hit the deck! I'd tripped on a tree root!! Brushed off the dirt and leaves and continued on to the car, where we put the bikes in and headed over for a play.

Being hot and tired the girls decided to paddle and needless to say, it wasn't long before one of them ended up wet after slipping over!! We finished off our outing by a side trip to the mall for a few chores and were treated to sushi and cupcakes.
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