It's great having your birthday on the weekend especially when you unwrap your present to find a desk that needs to be assembled, as Ella found out recently. Plus no saturday sporting activities meant Ella could start straight away and take as long as she liked. It did take Andy and Ella quite a while and Katy was content to watch from the packaging box which had become a bed. By lunchtime all the pieces had come together with the desk looking great. A little juggling of existing furniture was required so that it slotted into the far corner of the room. Then next on the agenda was a trip to officeworks to purchase an appropriate chair, a perfect opportunity to spend the birthday money from Nana and Grandad. Ella was very excited to choose a chair and have enough spare to add in a new pencil case and magnetic whiteboard. Thanks to Al and Kathie for their part (a day trip to Ikea in Sydney) in making this all possible.
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