We were hoping to pick up another chicken that day however, there were none available and the next batch were due later in the week so we placed an order for one.
On Thursday after school, we eagerly drove to Bellchambers in Fyshwick to purchase our new chicken. A quick transaction saw us driving home again with her in a cardboard box in between the girls in the back.
I thought we'd have a good conversation about names on the drive home only to be foiled by Andy. While I was working late the previous night, a chicken naming discussion took place. The suggestions were Bella (Katy), Polly (Andy) and Lollipop Legs (Ella).
Bella was ruled out as it didn't rhyme with Holly. Then it was two again one for Lollipop Legs (or Lolly for short). Funnily enough her legs are rather stick like and the name actually suits her!

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