A few weeks ago Katy and I pulled up the remaining basil before the frost got to it. We washed it and then blended into our own home made green pesto before dividing it up into little containers just perfect for freezing and using later. We have tasted one pot and it was delicious with the freshness of the basil so distinctively better than the store bought stuff. However the rate at which our girls polish off a jar of green pesto on their pasta is amazing and I'm not sure I could keep up with the demand!
As for the rest of the patch, we trimmed the rhubarb back, planted seedlings of coriander, leeks, peas and for the first time beetroot! Today I noticed that coriander which had been doing really well, has been nibbled by the possums. We also spread over some green manure seed hoping to give the soil a bit of a boost.
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