Monday, September 29, 2014
Making the Most of Tuesdays

Monday, September 22, 2014
Fathers Day

Kate presented Andy with a footprint poem as well as a beautifully drawn card with her and Andy on the front!
Next we were off to enjoy orienteering in the sunshine at Birkenburn. A fantastic assembly area provided the gang with much to do! I ran first around the shortest hard course followed by Andy on the longest hard course. The girls (Ella, Katy and Mira) were keen to do a course too. Ella wanted to do more on her own so we let her have a head start. I attempted to teach Katy and Mira how to orientated the map. Needless to say they were more interested in other things…horses, the muddy ground, animal bones…even got some shot put practice with pine cones for the up and coming little aths season!! We caught Ella up several times when she was confused as to which way to go. Eventually she disappeared and we didn't see her again until we were back at the assembly area.
A coffe stop in Bungendore topped the afternoon off before spending the rest of the afternoon relaxing around home.
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Spot the Difference #54
Finally replaced the garage door so we now have one that opens and closes very easily (especially with a motor) and will be nicer when I get around to painting over the ugly green...
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Last Day at the Snow
For our final day we'd planned to skip the lessons and instead venture around the trails together. Unfortunately the weather conspired against us with many of the chair lifts being put on wind hold. At Guthega there was only 1 option - the Blue Calf T bar. Up the group went - Josh, Grandpa and Patrick were first on all going solo. With the T bar safely placed under Ella's bum (which corresponded to my knees!) we slowly were pulled up the hill without falling off and even disembarked without incident! On the bar behind us, Katy travelled up between Andy's legs. Mia and Susie (who decided to hire downhill skis for the morning) took several attempts before joining us at the top. We skied down Dorfer. Josh and Ella pointed their skis downhill and were off! Katy and I snowploughed the whole way and everyone else snaked their way down.

At the bottom, Katy and I decided to build an Olaf instead leaving the rest of the group to it. The snow was beautiful to sculpt a snowman and decorate it with leaves and nuts! All the while we watched the group gather at the t bar and head up the hill again. Next I taught Katy how to make a snow angel before we ducked inside the burning log to warm up with a hot chocolate.
It wasn't long before the rest of the gang joined us and we were soon listening to the skiing tales of getting air over two little bumps Josh had found all while being watched by Nana who with was out snowshoeing.
Rather than walk home, Katy and I decided to take the T bar up, then ski down the norwegian trail which coursed past the backdoor of the lodge. Andy and Ella dropped us off before tackling the Blue Cow T bar which had just come off wind hold. Together they enjoyed skiing Bloody Mary numerous times before returning home.
Back at the lodge after a quick bite to eat there was lots of work to do - cleaning and packing in order to get home at a reasonable time. By 3pm we were driving out of the carpark waving goodbye to the snow all pretty shattered from such an exciting adrenalin packed few days.

Back at the lodge after a quick bite to eat there was lots of work to do - cleaning and packing in order to get home at a reasonable time. By 3pm we were driving out of the carpark waving goodbye to the snow all pretty shattered from such an exciting adrenalin packed few days.
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Spring Snow!

The kids and I enjoyed a hot chocolate at the cafe while waiting for 9am to tick by! We all found our relevant instructors and were soon off learning new tricks! Our group had intended to ski at Pleasant Valley but the chairlift was on wind hold so we ventured back to the trusty early starter slope to learn the beginnings of parallel turns.
However the weather conditions outside had deteriorated somewhat. The wind had picked up and sleety snow was falling. Undeterred we skied down the slope regrouping at the Terminal quad chair lift. Unfortunately our family chair lift ride was not very enjoyable as the sleet stung our faces and the wind froze our bodies. It was a little too much for Katy who began crying. We did manage to ski off the chair without incident.
Another conference was held between the families as it was obvious that both Katy and Mia were struggling. Unanimously we thought it best to head back to Guthega. Down Guthega Way we skied with Katy still crying and Mia struggling off the back. Our focus quickly turned to getting the kids back to the warmth and safety of the lodge as fast as possible. The Burning Log was a wonderful sight to see. We took the opportunity to seek shelter, warmth and food while composing ourselves before embarking on the final leg - the walk home!
It is amazing how fast the weather can turn in the mountain and although we were never really in super danger we were definitely on the edge of our comfort zone. After what seemed like a short spell of time recovering in the lodge, Andy suggested that we (just the two of us) should go for a ski. Why not I thought so off we went.
First was to tackle the Blue Calf T bar. Not my favourite type of lift but we managed to get up without falling off or me pushing Andy off. We came down Dorfer Trail just to the left of the T bar. A nice run but slightly too steep for my ability (or lack of) so I found myself snow ploughing rather a lot plus it was still sleeting and fogging up my sunnies. Not as enjoyable as I'd hoped so at the bottom I retreated back to the lodge and left Andy to explore the trails.
With not much of the afternoon left we baked stacey's chocolate chip cookies. The cookies were delicious as always especially eating them within minutes of coming out of the oven with the chocolate still slightly gooey!
Ski Lessons Begin
Our schedule for the day included a two hour lesson for Ella, Josh, Mia and myself beginning 9am at the Blue Cow Terminal. Unfortunately these lessons did not cater for 5 year olds which meant Katy would ski with Andy instead. Now although Blue Cow Terminal is located approximately 1.5km away as the crow flies, for us to get there on our skis would involve a 3 km ski and catching a couple of lifts. We estimated that it would take us about an hour to get there. Seeing though the lifts didn't open until 8.30am plus we all wanted to be fresh for our lessons we decided to search for another option. Turns out that there is a complimentary over snow transfer via the snowcat from Guthega to Blue Cow each morning which can take up to 12 people.
So it was up at the crack of dawn on a mission to catch the 8am snowcat! A little challenging getting everyone fed, clothed, equipped and up to the Burning Log that early in the morning but we managed. The snowcat drove straight uphill alongside the Blue Calf T bar, then down and along Guthega Way to the Blue Cow Terminal taking about 20mins.
With 40 mins before the action began, the kids kept themselves entertained on a small slope adjacent to the terminal. Nicely grooved (from previous children!) slides provided an opportunity to toboggan on their bums! Eventually time ticked by and with skis on, the kids were soon lining up ready for their lesson. Meanwhile there was no sign of Andy and I was unable to leave Katy to join my group. So Katy and I headed towards the Pony Ride slope and magic carpet which had just been turned on.
We were sorting ourselves out when Andy appeared. Despite it being 9.08, the instructor suggested I could join a beginner group who were making their way down Pony Ride which I did. While in my lesson, I watched Andy and Katy ski down this slope several times before moving off on their adventure.
Our group stayed on this slope perfecting our technique for a fair chunk of time. Ella, Josh and Mia's class soon appeared so I was able to watch their progress too! Thankfully we moved over to the Early Starter which was much better to improve our turning and test out our control.
Meanwhile Andy and Katy made their way down Amaroo trail joining Easy Rider before catching the Pleasant Valley quad chair to the top. Then it was another lovely run down Easy Rider with Katy happy to follow Andy's trail. While waiting for the quad chair, Susie and Patrick appeared so they continued the adventure together.
At the top they took the Pleasant View Trail back towards Guthega which definitely lived up to its name. The trail rolled through the snow gums all topped off with views overlooking the main range. The trail eventually finished at the Freedom Quad Chair dropping them at Blue Cow Way where it was another long gentle slope ending back at Blue Cow Terminal.
After my lesson I gathered up the kids and headed into the cafe (our pre arranged meeting spot with the others) for a much need lunch break. Despite being tired the kids were eager to get going as quickly as possible so off we went towards Pleasant Valley.
Conditions were still great although the wind was beginning to really pick up. In fact as we crested the saddle, I was being pushed along nicely by the wind and looked over to see that Katy wasn't going to blow away!
The kids technique had improved out of sight with the lessons really paying off. Josh certainly was the dare devil taking every opportunity to seek out more - looking out for small bumps and taking the trail between rocks! Ella enjoyed going fast and Mia tried to keep up but was a little hesitant while Katy was happy to be following anyone!
We did several laps of this run before considering making tracks back home. With tiredness setting in and a now extremely strong headwind as we crossed the saddle again we knew we'd made the right decision (we found out later that the Pleasant Valley chair went on wind hold soon after we left!) The kids loved going down Pleasant View Trail until the it flattened out and then it was hard work for them without poles! The Burning Log came into view a signal for us to detach our skis and begin the short trek home.
We spent the remainder of the afternoon in the lodge. The kids had found the poker set and enjoyed arranging and playing with the chips. I was assisted by the girls (Josh went out to toboggan) in the kitchen in making cinnamon snails which made for a yummy afternoon snack.
And as the sun sank, the conversations turned to the weather and the looming forecast of overnight rain. Depending on how low the temperature dropped (or didn't) we'd either wake up to no snow or a dusting of new snow…only time would tell….
So it was up at the crack of dawn on a mission to catch the 8am snowcat! A little challenging getting everyone fed, clothed, equipped and up to the Burning Log that early in the morning but we managed. The snowcat drove straight uphill alongside the Blue Calf T bar, then down and along Guthega Way to the Blue Cow Terminal taking about 20mins.
Our group stayed on this slope perfecting our technique for a fair chunk of time. Ella, Josh and Mia's class soon appeared so I was able to watch their progress too! Thankfully we moved over to the Early Starter which was much better to improve our turning and test out our control.
Meanwhile Andy and Katy made their way down Amaroo trail joining Easy Rider before catching the Pleasant Valley quad chair to the top. Then it was another lovely run down Easy Rider with Katy happy to follow Andy's trail. While waiting for the quad chair, Susie and Patrick appeared so they continued the adventure together.
At the top they took the Pleasant View Trail back towards Guthega which definitely lived up to its name. The trail rolled through the snow gums all topped off with views overlooking the main range. The trail eventually finished at the Freedom Quad Chair dropping them at Blue Cow Way where it was another long gentle slope ending back at Blue Cow Terminal.
After my lesson I gathered up the kids and headed into the cafe (our pre arranged meeting spot with the others) for a much need lunch break. Despite being tired the kids were eager to get going as quickly as possible so off we went towards Pleasant Valley.
Conditions were still great although the wind was beginning to really pick up. In fact as we crested the saddle, I was being pushed along nicely by the wind and looked over to see that Katy wasn't going to blow away!
We did several laps of this run before considering making tracks back home. With tiredness setting in and a now extremely strong headwind as we crossed the saddle again we knew we'd made the right decision (we found out later that the Pleasant Valley chair went on wind hold soon after we left!) The kids loved going down Pleasant View Trail until the it flattened out and then it was hard work for them without poles! The Burning Log came into view a signal for us to detach our skis and begin the short trek home.
We spent the remainder of the afternoon in the lodge. The kids had found the poker set and enjoyed arranging and playing with the chips. I was assisted by the girls (Josh went out to toboggan) in the kitchen in making cinnamon snails which made for a yummy afternoon snack.
And as the sun sank, the conversations turned to the weather and the looming forecast of overnight rain. Depending on how low the temperature dropped (or didn't) we'd either wake up to no snow or a dusting of new snow…only time would tell….
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Snow Time!
We had such fun on our day trip to Selwyn that we persuaded some of the family to join us for a few days in the snow at Guthega. With such good snow conditions the lodge was understandably quite booked up. However there was enough space for us, Nana & Grandpa as well as Susie, Patrick, Josh & Mia from Sunday 31st August til Wednesday 3rd of September.
Leading up to our mini break, there was much discussion and debate about planning in regards to lifts and lessons. There are a multitude of options which didn't make the process any easier and of course it all depended on the weather conditions too!
By Saturday afternoon, the weather forecast for the next few days looked mostly favourable and included possible snowfall with one day of possible windy weather. As a result we purchased a 3 day lesson and lift pass for Ella and I while Andy and Katy (who was too young for lessons) just needed a lift ticket. This arrangement meant we were entitled to take advantage of the lifts on the Sunday afternoon too.
Our run to Guthega was relatively relaxing - left home at the sensible hour of 8am, a quick stop in Cooma to pick up skis and then again at Jindabyne to pick up lift tickets and have coffee. The road to Guthega was clear of snow so no need to test out the new chains! Arriving at Guthega village bang on midday we were treated to beautiful blue skies and glistening white slopes. A perfect way to start our holiday :)
Eager to let the kids loose on the slopes, we kitted up and made our way to the Carpark double chairlift which would take us to the top of Blue Calf. The ramp off this chair is particularly steep and unforgiving as most of us found out. Once on our feet or should I say skis, we made our way to the new Freedom quad chairlift.
It was another challenge for most of us snowploughing down the steep incline to the next lift and a baptism of fire for Josh and Mia who had only done cross country skiing. Again at the bottom we regrouped and took breathe readying ourselves for the next obstacle. This chairlift was way easier dropping us at Guthega Peak and we were soon making tracks along Blue Cow Way.

Arriving at Blue Cow Terminal we did a few laps on the gentle Easy Starter slope practising our techniques learnt at Selwyn. A quick snack before beginning the journey back via Guthega Way.
This is a lovely run finishing at the Burning Log cafe at the top of the village. From this point the trail has several slight inclines and without poles, the kids found it difficult to continue so we took our skis off and walked the final 400m.
Once at the lodge, the kids went upstairs to eat and play with Nana and Grandpa while the rest of us started the long and tiring process of lugging our belongings on sleds from the cars that were parked about 1km away.
Our wonderful start to our snow holiday was capped off by a delicious dinner of sausages and mash cooked by Andy. Needless to say the kids were tired but all very keen for what adventures the morning would bring!
Leading up to our mini break, there was much discussion and debate about planning in regards to lifts and lessons. There are a multitude of options which didn't make the process any easier and of course it all depended on the weather conditions too!
By Saturday afternoon, the weather forecast for the next few days looked mostly favourable and included possible snowfall with one day of possible windy weather. As a result we purchased a 3 day lesson and lift pass for Ella and I while Andy and Katy (who was too young for lessons) just needed a lift ticket. This arrangement meant we were entitled to take advantage of the lifts on the Sunday afternoon too.
Our run to Guthega was relatively relaxing - left home at the sensible hour of 8am, a quick stop in Cooma to pick up skis and then again at Jindabyne to pick up lift tickets and have coffee. The road to Guthega was clear of snow so no need to test out the new chains! Arriving at Guthega village bang on midday we were treated to beautiful blue skies and glistening white slopes. A perfect way to start our holiday :)

Arriving at Blue Cow Terminal we did a few laps on the gentle Easy Starter slope practising our techniques learnt at Selwyn. A quick snack before beginning the journey back via Guthega Way.
This is a lovely run finishing at the Burning Log cafe at the top of the village. From this point the trail has several slight inclines and without poles, the kids found it difficult to continue so we took our skis off and walked the final 400m.
Our wonderful start to our snow holiday was capped off by a delicious dinner of sausages and mash cooked by Andy. Needless to say the kids were tired but all very keen for what adventures the morning would bring!
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
O @ The Gib
The recent ACT Long Distance O champs were held at the Gib located on the outskirts of Bungendore. For Andy and myself it was the first event where we didn't have split starts or tag team and so the girls were left to fend for themselves! I mean when we say fend for themselves I should point out that they were amongst a plethora of kids with several adults keep an eye/ear out!
The Gib is quite a tough area. It's one big hill with lots of rocks. The sun was shinning, the views were great and Jase had set an enjoyable course. Only real problem was my lack of ability to keep on task. On a couple of legs my mind wandered, I stopped concentrating and paid the price for it resulting in several minutes of mistakes.
Anyhow as I approached the last control I could see the gang of kids nearby. Then Ella began to run off calling out for help (quite calmly I must say). So I detoured off course to find out what the problem was. Turns out that the gang (Ella, Katy, Max, Mira & Zoe) had found a large mud patch. Their fascination eventually led them to walking through it resulting in their shoes sinking deep into the oozy mud and then getting stuck so they simply stepped out of their shoes!! Once the shoes were rescued by yours truly, I went on to finish my course and subsequently returned to see if everyone was still ok. At this point they were busy cleaning their shoes in a nearby puddle!!
From all accounts we weren't missed by the girls. The gang of kids occupied themselves with the punching string course, climbing trees and of course playing in the mud. You got to love the play opportunities the great outdoors provide :)
The Gib is quite a tough area. It's one big hill with lots of rocks. The sun was shinning, the views were great and Jase had set an enjoyable course. Only real problem was my lack of ability to keep on task. On a couple of legs my mind wandered, I stopped concentrating and paid the price for it resulting in several minutes of mistakes.
Anyhow as I approached the last control I could see the gang of kids nearby. Then Ella began to run off calling out for help (quite calmly I must say). So I detoured off course to find out what the problem was. Turns out that the gang (Ella, Katy, Max, Mira & Zoe) had found a large mud patch. Their fascination eventually led them to walking through it resulting in their shoes sinking deep into the oozy mud and then getting stuck so they simply stepped out of their shoes!! Once the shoes were rescued by yours truly, I went on to finish my course and subsequently returned to see if everyone was still ok. At this point they were busy cleaning their shoes in a nearby puddle!!
From all accounts we weren't missed by the girls. The gang of kids occupied themselves with the punching string course, climbing trees and of course playing in the mud. You got to love the play opportunities the great outdoors provide :)
Extracurricular Activities
We're in a lull (a nice lull) between saturday morning sports. Hockey has now finished. We were a little inconsistent in attendance this year due to sickness or being away. However Ella had a good season scoring for the first time with 2 goals in one match. Katy had fun in her first year of hockey spending most of her time riding the hockey stick, chatting to her team mate who was smaller than her and generally gazing around the place rather than what was happening in the game! I enjoyed the ability to incorporate (and coordinate with Andy) exercise based around the timing and location of hockey. Often we would stop for a post hockey coffee/ hot chocolate at Little Oink to warm ourselves up. And on one of these visits Ella discovered the chess set…challenging Andy to a game…while Katy and I read her favourite cafe book - Growl! A relaxing way to finish an energetic morning!
Swimming at the AIS is continuing. No longer can I enjoy a swim while Katy is in her lesson on Tuesday mornings. We've had to join Ella on Monday afternoons since Katy went up a level which is not offered in the morning program. Katy is now a penguin and Ella also progressed (finally!) and is in octopus.
We are coming to the end of our third term of ballet and had to make some hard decisions. The ballet school performs an end of year concert(s) which I am led to believe is very professional. As a result it requires the students to commit to several rehearsal sessions (along with their parents) plus forking out some more cash for costumes. After a family discussion, Katy was reserved about joining in for the performance so we suggested that perhaps she should wait for next year which she was happy to do. Ella didn't really take the bait of the concert at all which somewhat surprised us seeing though she loves to dress up in her character skirt at home all the time! With this in mind we thought Ella could have a break from ballet for term 4 seeing though much of the dancing I assume would be practice for the concert.
Registrations for Little Aths occurred over the weekend with both girls keen to have a go. The season doesn't start for another month so plenty of time to sew on their new numbers!
Swimming at the AIS is continuing. No longer can I enjoy a swim while Katy is in her lesson on Tuesday mornings. We've had to join Ella on Monday afternoons since Katy went up a level which is not offered in the morning program. Katy is now a penguin and Ella also progressed (finally!) and is in octopus.
We are coming to the end of our third term of ballet and had to make some hard decisions. The ballet school performs an end of year concert(s) which I am led to believe is very professional. As a result it requires the students to commit to several rehearsal sessions (along with their parents) plus forking out some more cash for costumes. After a family discussion, Katy was reserved about joining in for the performance so we suggested that perhaps she should wait for next year which she was happy to do. Ella didn't really take the bait of the concert at all which somewhat surprised us seeing though she loves to dress up in her character skirt at home all the time! With this in mind we thought Ella could have a break from ballet for term 4 seeing though much of the dancing I assume would be practice for the concert.
Registrations for Little Aths occurred over the weekend with both girls keen to have a go. The season doesn't start for another month so plenty of time to sew on their new numbers!
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Monday, September 8, 2014
A Day at Selwyn
About three weeks ago we decided to bunk off school and work to head for a day trip to Selwyn snowfields. An early start (5am!) meant we were at Cooma collecting our downhill skis and chains at 7am. Despite being served straight away, we left Cooma 40mins later wondering if we'd make the 9am lessons.
Turns out we arrived in the carpark just before 9am but not long enough to pay for lessons and get everyone organised in their gear. So the back up plan came into action - a one hour private lesson for the girls and I enrolled in the 9.30am two hour session for adult beginners! Andy is already a competent skiing so he didn't need any lessons.
Off I went on the beginner slopes learning to snowplough and turn while keeping in control! Meanwhile with an hour to kill before their class, Andy decided to teach the girls a little. Unfortunately it was quite painful watching them make their way down the slope from my advantage point in the chairlift. First Ella would try and fall. Andy would go help her only to turn around to see Katy stuck! He trudge up the hill again to help Katy while Ella was getting more and more frustrated with falling over!
Meanwhile I was zigzagging down the hill managing not to fall over and improving with each lap. I met up with them at the bottom of the chairlift wondering how Andy was going to get both girls up? I definitely wasn't stable enough to provide the help they needed and it was only a two seat chairlift. Thankfully my instructor jumped on with Ella and guided her off at the top while Andy and Katy followed in the next chair.
By this stage about 40mins had past. Andy decided not to tackle another downhill run but rather head inside and boost the girls with some food and drink before their lesson. The girls instructor Cassie was lovely. However we'd misplaced one of the lesson tickets, so Andy had to trek back to the car luckily only about 300m away to find it. By the time he got back Katy had fallen apart while Ella had learnt how to snowplough! He took Katy to the side, calmed her down and they watched Ella and Cassie. On each lap Cassie would ski by to ask if Katy was ready to join in. Took 2 laps before Katy jumped up ready to tackle the hill. It turned out to be great timing as Ella was now pretty competent at snowploughing and catching the chairlift so the instructor was able to focus on teaching Katy. Andy then seeing both girls were fine, headed off by himself to explore some of the harder runs Selwyn had to offer.
It was amazing to watch them master their techniques in such a short span of time. Ella preferred to point her skis downhill and go as fast as she could while Katy was much more tentative and liked to follow. All too soon the lessons came to an end just in time for lunch!
We filled our tummies with hot food and drinks while trying to restore some of our energy. Katy looked tired and Ella masked her tiredness with enthusiasm! Soon we were off to explore the slopes as a family!!
Straight down our beginner slope, we bypassed the New Chum chairlift and aimed for the Township Triple chair which had a challenging steep slope to it. Ella and I managed somehow to stay upright and stop at the bottom. Katy struggled somewhat until Andy put her between his legs and they skied down together.
Being a three chair lift, it was decided that Andy would go with the 2 girls while I was solo behind. Unfortunately this chairlift moved a little faster than the previous one and a small hesitation by Katy meant she was in the wrong spot at the wrong time. The chair mowed her down much to her horror! Luckily the lifty was on the ball and halted the chairlift before rescuing Katy who was in a flood of tears. With her safety on the seat next to Andy, the chairlift started again amidst Katy's sobs. By the time we reached the top Katy had regained her composure and was ready to ski down.
We took the green Home run together a gentle fairly long trail back to our beginner slope where we did a few quick laps on the New Chum chairlift once again. Next we decided to tackle the wombat t-bar and managed to all stay on until the top. Back down the green home run this time stopping to look at the snowmen.
Andy and Ella wanted to ski more, while Katy (who could hardly stay on her feet due to exhaustion) and I headed over to the tobogganing park. We had fun zooming and bumping down the slope with snow spraying into our faces and ramming into the snow wall at the bottom. The walk back up the hill was tiring so eventually we retreated next to the snow gums to build a snowman….in particular Olaf….
We were soon joined by Ella while Andy took advantage to ski more on his own. It wasn't long before both girls were rocketing down on the toboggan together laughing as they went by. Their enthusiasm however was waining to exhaustion and it became obvious that it was time to head home thankfully just as Andy made an appearance.
No sooner were we changed and making our way back to Canberra chatting about the fun we'd had at the snow and planning when we'd be back.
Turns out we arrived in the carpark just before 9am but not long enough to pay for lessons and get everyone organised in their gear. So the back up plan came into action - a one hour private lesson for the girls and I enrolled in the 9.30am two hour session for adult beginners! Andy is already a competent skiing so he didn't need any lessons.
Off I went on the beginner slopes learning to snowplough and turn while keeping in control! Meanwhile with an hour to kill before their class, Andy decided to teach the girls a little. Unfortunately it was quite painful watching them make their way down the slope from my advantage point in the chairlift. First Ella would try and fall. Andy would go help her only to turn around to see Katy stuck! He trudge up the hill again to help Katy while Ella was getting more and more frustrated with falling over!
Meanwhile I was zigzagging down the hill managing not to fall over and improving with each lap. I met up with them at the bottom of the chairlift wondering how Andy was going to get both girls up? I definitely wasn't stable enough to provide the help they needed and it was only a two seat chairlift. Thankfully my instructor jumped on with Ella and guided her off at the top while Andy and Katy followed in the next chair.
By this stage about 40mins had past. Andy decided not to tackle another downhill run but rather head inside and boost the girls with some food and drink before their lesson. The girls instructor Cassie was lovely. However we'd misplaced one of the lesson tickets, so Andy had to trek back to the car luckily only about 300m away to find it. By the time he got back Katy had fallen apart while Ella had learnt how to snowplough! He took Katy to the side, calmed her down and they watched Ella and Cassie. On each lap Cassie would ski by to ask if Katy was ready to join in. Took 2 laps before Katy jumped up ready to tackle the hill. It turned out to be great timing as Ella was now pretty competent at snowploughing and catching the chairlift so the instructor was able to focus on teaching Katy. Andy then seeing both girls were fine, headed off by himself to explore some of the harder runs Selwyn had to offer.
It was amazing to watch them master their techniques in such a short span of time. Ella preferred to point her skis downhill and go as fast as she could while Katy was much more tentative and liked to follow. All too soon the lessons came to an end just in time for lunch!
We filled our tummies with hot food and drinks while trying to restore some of our energy. Katy looked tired and Ella masked her tiredness with enthusiasm! Soon we were off to explore the slopes as a family!!
Straight down our beginner slope, we bypassed the New Chum chairlift and aimed for the Township Triple chair which had a challenging steep slope to it. Ella and I managed somehow to stay upright and stop at the bottom. Katy struggled somewhat until Andy put her between his legs and they skied down together.
Being a three chair lift, it was decided that Andy would go with the 2 girls while I was solo behind. Unfortunately this chairlift moved a little faster than the previous one and a small hesitation by Katy meant she was in the wrong spot at the wrong time. The chair mowed her down much to her horror! Luckily the lifty was on the ball and halted the chairlift before rescuing Katy who was in a flood of tears. With her safety on the seat next to Andy, the chairlift started again amidst Katy's sobs. By the time we reached the top Katy had regained her composure and was ready to ski down.
We took the green Home run together a gentle fairly long trail back to our beginner slope where we did a few quick laps on the New Chum chairlift once again. Next we decided to tackle the wombat t-bar and managed to all stay on until the top. Back down the green home run this time stopping to look at the snowmen.
Andy and Ella wanted to ski more, while Katy (who could hardly stay on her feet due to exhaustion) and I headed over to the tobogganing park. We had fun zooming and bumping down the slope with snow spraying into our faces and ramming into the snow wall at the bottom. The walk back up the hill was tiring so eventually we retreated next to the snow gums to build a snowman….in particular Olaf….

No sooner were we changed and making our way back to Canberra chatting about the fun we'd had at the snow and planning when we'd be back.
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