For our final day we'd planned to skip the lessons and instead venture around the trails together. Unfortunately the weather conspired against us with many of the chair lifts being put on wind hold. At Guthega there was only 1 option - the Blue Calf T bar. Up the group went - Josh, Grandpa and Patrick were first on all going solo. With the T bar safely placed under Ella's bum (which corresponded to my knees!) we slowly were pulled up the hill without falling off and even disembarked without incident! On the bar behind us, Katy travelled up between Andy's legs. Mia and Susie (who decided to hire downhill skis for the morning) took several attempts before joining us at the top. We skied down Dorfer. Josh and Ella pointed their skis downhill and were off! Katy and I snowploughed the whole way and everyone else snaked their way down.

At the bottom, Katy and I decided to build an Olaf instead leaving the rest of the group to it. The snow was beautiful to sculpt a snowman and decorate it with leaves and nuts! All the while we watched the group gather at the t bar and head up the hill again. Next I taught Katy how to make a snow angel before we ducked inside the burning log to warm up with a hot chocolate.
It wasn't long before the rest of the gang joined us and we were soon listening to the skiing tales of getting air over two little bumps Josh had found all while being watched by Nana who with was out snowshoeing.

Rather than walk home, Katy and I decided to take the T bar up, then ski down the norwegian trail which coursed past the backdoor of the lodge. Andy and Ella dropped us off before tackling the Blue Cow T bar which had just come off wind hold. Together they enjoyed skiing Bloody Mary numerous times before returning home.
Back at the lodge after a quick bite to eat there was lots of work to do - cleaning and packing in order to get home at a reasonable time. By 3pm we were driving out of the carpark waving goodbye to the snow all pretty shattered from such an exciting adrenalin packed few days.
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