Christmas day finally arrived after what seemed like ages for the girls! They were pleased to see that Santa and his reindeers managed to have a nibble at the goodies they left out. Next it was time to investigate the santa sacks and see if Santa had read their wish lists and letters. This task itself was difficult for Santa as the initial list/letters were misplaced and new ones written which were slightly different to the original ones. Nevertheless Santa did do a wonderful job and both girls we happy with their loot!

We also opened a few postal presents before making our way over to enjoy the last Christmas to be hosted by Andy's parents!! As per normal there were presents aplenty and chaos ensured with lots of happy faces. Ella was thrilled to get a new bike with gears! Katy was overwhelmed with the morning and wasn't too sure about anything. However by the time we got home and set up her basketball ring, she was happy.
Back to the morning, the kids were off as presents were put through their first tests. Sadly however soon we said goodbye to Luca and Maki who went off with their Dad to continue celebrating Christmas.
Our roast lamb, chicken and ham lunch was delicious and with the cooler (slightly wet) weather much more enjoyable. Time to relax and recover before heading off down the oval to test out more presents (cricket stuff, frisbee and bike).

By late afternoon we thought about dessert and were horrified to find ants had invaded the pavlova which luckily hadn't been dressed. Cathy and I spent about 20 minutes de-anting and smashing up the pavlova in the process. It was still delicious though. We made it back home by 5pm exhausted from the days festivities but still found some time and energy for more playing.
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