Thursday, February 26, 2015

Back Home

We were welcomed home by an excited Pippa plus an abundance of goodies from the garden. We had one more week to relax before the school routine started and Andy departed for his trip to the US.

We tamed the garden and enjoyed its offerings. Unfortunately the nectarines had ripened and fallen off the tree while we were in Perth. The potatoes had a good crop of 6.5kg and so did the beans which we are still picking. Ella's carrots came out in all sorts of crazy shapes making for interesting eating. Cucumber and eggplant were slow to get going but got there in the end. The tomatoes and zucchinis were unusually quite. Normally we can't give away enough of these but this year the supply seems to be down. Definitely no green tomato chutney this year which is probably a good thing seeing though Dad hasn't finished last years bottles yet!

Generally we spent the week just being at home with both Andy and I going back to work in between! The weather warmed up enough to justify getting the paddling pool out again. Laps were the order of the day with Ella testing out her snorkel and mask while Katy used her goggles.

Little Aths began again after the christmas break however with Andy flying out at lunchtime the girls were only able to participate in the half of the program.

The rest of the weekend was busy - Ella off to a birthday party while Katy and I joined Al, Mira and Alma for a girls dinner out! We had a movie sleep over night in the lounge room to celebrate the end of the school holidays and new beginnings!  The weekend concluded with Mia's 8th Dragon birthday party at Commonwealth Park complete with a dragon hunt and rescue! Fun times!!

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