A new area is always fun to explore and working out what to do plus when to to it can be challenging. With the weather set to deteriorate in the later part of our trip, we decided to try our luck at swimming while we could. Off we set for Blue Pool in Bermagui.
Originally known as Blue Hole, this natural rock pool is located at the base of a large, rocky cliff. In the late 1930's's the local community doubled the size of the swimming area thanks to the help of some dynamite. The toddler pool was also constructed along with concrete stairs and a changing room. In recent times a pump has been added and the toilet/changing facilities upgraded.

Three sides of Blue Pool is natural rock as well as the bottom and at high tide the waves crash over the rocky ledge, flushing it out. It is these characteristics which makes it a great spot for snorkelling. Unfortunately for us the weather was not favourable and neither was the water temperature for either swimming or snorkelling. However us hardy souls join a few others to take the opportunity to swim at this wonderful place. Most of us inched our way in, while Max decided to jump in from the edge and instantly regretted it. Upon plunging in, the icy cold water well and truly took one's breathe away.

The boys completed a few laps of the pool spotting a several fish while doing so. For the rest of us it was just too cold. As we huddled in our towels trying to get warm, the rain gently began to fall signalling to us that our time here was over. A quick change into dry, warm clothes then to town for coffee at the gelato shop (and yes the kids did have ice cream!!)
Everyone enjoyed a few hours of relaxation back at our abode. It wasn't long before monopoly emerged, with Ella eagerly teaching Max and Mira the rules of the game with Rob and Andy joining in. However with a long afternoon ahead we decided on another walking adventure while the dads tested out the local mountain bike trails.
Off we set, down to the waters edge, along the boardwalk and out to the headland. With the tide low, we were able to descend down to the beach and investigate this secluded area. The kids played in the sand, looked in the rocky pools and scoured the beach for treasures. All too soon it was time to return so we made the decision to attempt to skirt around the waters edge on the way back.
Again it was really all too predictable, while I raced back to put the roast in the oven, Ella was the first to test out the depth of the water. As I returned Ella was fully clothed and completely soaked, while the three little girls were slightly more sensible by removing most of their clothes before swimming.

Crossing over the bridge at the end of the boardwalk, a new game was created - The Billy Goats Gruff! With Ella directing the production each child had a turn at bing a billy goat as well as the troll. Al and I watched with amusement this process being repeated numerous times. Then is was back home to another warm bath and hot chocolates before enjoying a lovely roast dinner!
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