The girls started by decorating flower cookies which they took home in their party bags! Next we threaded felt flowers onto wavy cord to make flower bracelets. While all the girls were concentrating hard, Nana arrived home wondering where we all had gone as the house was soooo quiet only to discover us in the family room!
We started to brainstorm....someone suggested that Ella might have written in the notebooks. A quick check revealed they were blank. Next idea was to open the envelopes....which we did and discovered a few coloured letters in each one. Remembering that most of the girls are only just beginning to read it was suggested that they spelt something and we should line them up which we did. HDITEHOOGSENU! Not much help there. Someone noticed the colours so we grouped the letters accordingly. We couldn't get much sense out of SHOEU so we re-focused on the easier ones. Got IN and THE very quickly followed by DOG. Then back to nut out SHOEU to HOSUE to finally become HOUSE!! Whoosh....off they raced to find the dog house and the treasure (pinwheels). We pieced them together before testing them out in the wind!

We concluded the party with cake followed by impromptu balloon tennis! A wonderful morning with a lovely bunch of girls! Katy was one happy girl!
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