And after the storm comes the calm. What an absolute cracker of a day to enjoy in the mountains. It snowed overnight, the wind died down and the sun came out. Cathy and I took Maki, Luca and Katy on the snowcat to Blue Cow, while Andy and Ella skied over a little later. We made snow angels and tobogganed on our bottoms while time ticked by waiting for our lessons.
Katy was still sickish. We decided that once Andy joined us and the other kids were in their lessons, he would ski back with Katy to Guthega. However Katy protested quiet loudly when the others departed so we changed our minds taking her to the lesson with the strict instructions for Andy to pull her out after an hour.
We were joined by Nana who had snowshoed her way across and was happy to standby the pony ride area where Maki, Luca and Katy's lesson was being held in case Katy wasn't coping. Meanwhile Cathy and I joined an intermediate lesson and were off. I found this class to be challenging with the lovely instructor pushing us to our limits and forcing us to use our newly acquired skills by constantly taking us of piste.
On surviving the lesson, I headed back to Blue Cow the designated meeting spot to find Andy and a flat looking Katy in the cafe. Turns out Katy was enjoying herself too much in the lesson when Andy came by after an hour and so left her in for another hour!
We didn't have to wait too long before everyone was back and tucking into food. The kids all looked tired but happy. By this stage it was after 2pm so the decision was made just to ski back to Guthega which would take around 30mins.

The ski back was spectacular with views towards Mt Tate and the main range. I don't think Maki and Luca were enjoying them much as they struggled to negotiate the track home. Our general organisation of the group involved me at the front with Ella and Katy close behind then Andy and Cathy coaching and encouraging Maki and Luca. At one point we were wondering what Luca and Cathy were doing as they seemed to be taking a long time. Imaging our surprise when a random guy came flying past us holding Luca minus her skis!! Turns out that the guy (who was some ski expert) stopped to help Luca who was exhausted and decided it was easier to ski carrying her! Cathy soon followed carrying Luca's skis!
Unfortunately after we got going again, Katy ran off the piste and also out of energy. She fell apart and we soon realised we'd over done it with her especially as the return journey had taken much longer than we had expected.
Once back in the lodge, more food helped ease the tiredness and the kids were soon off playing together on the mezzanine. Andy took advantage of the beautiful conditions and in last daylight he headed off up Farm Creek on his cross country skis.
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