Next stop was the pet shop to buy mince for Pippa although I knew we'd walk out with more than that! Another in-depth conversation with the pet shop fish expert was also very good although we did receive slightly conflicting information to the pond guy. Anyhow we emerged from the shop with 4 goldfish and two very excited girls!
Each girl picked a fish as did Nana and Grandad. By the time we got home all fish were named! So without further ado, I'd like to introduce the newest additions to our family....

Following the pet shop fish guy's instructions very carefully, we introduced the fish to their new home. They seemed to like it. I did manage to get a photo of all four fish together before they disappeared into the rocks.
As you can imagine we were on the look out for any signs that things weren't ok. We kept checking on the fish.
Saturday morning dawned and prior to Little Aths we could only spot 3 fish....
after Little Aths we could only still spot 3 fish. Funnily enough Nemo was the 'missing' fish. With no evidence of a body, we sadly decided that Nemo had been taken possibly by a bird. All I could think was thank goodness it was Grandad's fish!!
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