Sunday morning saw us drive to Guthega with a short stop at Jindabyne to pick up last minute supplies. It was a clear run to the lodge, no chains needed thankfully and we arrived amid glorious blue skies. At the luggage drop off point we were glad to see one of the Doorack Lodge sleds currently being unloaded. It was a bonus for both parties - those departing didn't need to drag the sled back up and we could do our haul up in one trip. Although only 500m we were all sweating by the time we reached the lodge. It was a quick transition - placing food and clothes away and eating a bit of lunch before heading back down to the car.
One of the perks with purchasing a week's worth of ski lifts is the free afternoon of skiing, the day before your pass begins. So all kitted up in our skiing stuff, we caught the car park double chair and were treated to seeing a wombat on the way up to Blue Calf.
It was a family affair for the few hours left of skiing. We journeyed across to Blue Cow, down Pleasant Valley and on to Copperhead Road which was a little churned up. Back through to Blue Cow we intersected with the rest of the cousins. Together it was a taste of the week to come - all the kids pointing their skis straight down the slope executing a fast as possible on the edge of control and racing to the bottom while we assisted anyone in trouble plus tried to keep track of who was where!
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