Last weekend I was faced with cold weather, one sick child and a husband overseas so the in-the-wings sewing project came to the forefront! Katy had requested a replacement library bag as her current bag (given to her at childcare only 4 years ago!!) was falling apart. I had suggested that we could make one with fabric of her choice. Of course what you do for one child you must do for the I had two bags to make.
We had already researched our design and purchased the material so it was a matter of cutting and sewing. The pattern used fleece interfacing, a product I'd never used before. That didn't deter me surely it was simply cut to size and iron on and it was. Ella loved doing this part as for some reason she has a thing for ironing. It's highly likely that it's because we avoid ironing and so any time she spends at Nanas she always offers to do the ironing (or polishing the silverware!)
Katy's and Ella Fabric choices...
No room for eating this weekend!!

While I was piecing together the puzzle of materials bits, Ella was keen to sew something too. Out came her scrap fabric collection and soon she was whizzing away on the sewing machine. First it was a blanket for Poley (Katy's tiny polar bear), next came a bag for Poley, then a bag for herself, then another bag and another smaller bag, another triangular shaped you get the idea?
Poley on his blanket and bag.
Ella bag collection all on display!!

It was actually hard to get on the sewing machine myself but eventually I did and quickly Katy's bag came together only it was a little too big....she could almost fit in it!! Hmmm didn't look that big on the website. Never mind a little unpicking hurt no-one although I did have to put it down to cook dinner.
After dinner I trimmed the pieces, pinned it all back together and as the sewing machine was free it soon came back together. Katy was much happier with this new smaller version.
With the prototype done and Ella's fabric already cut and ready to go, it was a quick job to piece it all together. The finished bag looked great. Placing the bags side to side, I soon realised that the front piece of fabric on Katy's bag was out by 90° and actually didn't sit properly.
Now I was in a dilemma. There was not enough spare fabric or interface to cut a new piece and if I unstitched it could I turn the piece and would it still fit, if I had to trim it down would it then be too small...or should I not be so pedantic and just let it be. Looking at the bag I knew I had to do something so hello unpicker again, you are so my friend.

Once again I deconstructed the bag, trimmed down various pieces, pinned it back together, sewed it all up for the final time! Katy inspected the bag for the third time and everyone was very happy with this result. Now the sewing machine can head back into the cupboard for a well earnt rest!!