Sunday, September 18, 2016

Hello Spring

I love how the yellow buds on the wattles blossom announcing that spring is on the way. Also the beautiful flowers on the magnolia trees take me back to our days in Southampton when I first noticed those magnificent flowers erupting on the the bare branches against the grey rainy sky. We are excited that our star magnolia which was relocated from the back corner of our house and transplanted to the the front prior to renovations 2 years ago finally showed some signs of life with multiple buds and new shoots emerging from it's base! Since pruning the big magnolia, the possums have not been able to climb down off the roof and eat all the new growth, so it is also doing much better than last year too!

The various bulbs dotted around the garden are doing their thing...many already flowering, others still growing.

Then there are the beginnings of the edible stuff. Blueberries are budding, the nectarine tree is blossoming profusely and the broad beans are also flowering. The garlic looks to be doing well. I'm patiently waiting for the asparagus to shoot and am looking forward to harvesting our first crop. The potatoes are now in too. Much more to do in the coming weeks though.

Katy and Ella have planted their seed sticks (parsley and basil) as part of the ACT Primary School Carbon Challenge that they were paticpating in. The Carbon Challenge encourages students to become more sustainable in their daily life. Many of the challenges we are doing already.....

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