Ella's little wooden bird feeder which hangs in the snow gum was looking a little worse for wear but nothing that a new coat of paint couldn't fix! The feeder now lives in the crepe myrtle as Ella decided that the birds needed a bigger feeder.
Searching around for something suitable and she came across the bottom of the old chicken water container. A little tinkering with Andy and the new feeder is now hanging in the snow gum tree. It wasn't too long before the first customer arrived, giving the feeder a tick of approval!
Meanwhile elsewhere in the garden, it was a green harvest from the veggie patch - a capsicum, a green chilli and a zucchini!

Also came across these 3 large ?cocoons in the grevillea bush...an internet search revealed that they are oothecas, otherwise known as an egg sac belonging to a praying mantis. I learnt many new interesting facts:
- the sacs can hold hundreds of eggs and will take up to 5 months to hatch (as long as Mr Hairylegs the White Stemmed Gum moth we had!)
- they have 5 eyes...yep - 2 large compound eyes and 3 eyes on the top of their head known as ocelli!
- and lets just say that I am glad I'm not a male praying mantis after reading about the female cannibalistic ways!
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