Anyway not much was done while we were on our big summer holiday and so we hit the ground running in February and as always there were several hoops to jump through. The Sprint Champs was made slightly more complex as it was a National League race meaning the Elites ran heats and then a final which were on different maps!

It was an early start for Andy and myself. The morning dawned, cool, overcast but more importantly dry. While Andy was putting out controls on Red Hill, I was setting up the start and took a moment to enjoy the view - a single hot air balloon floating over Lake BG with Black Mountain tower in the distance.
We were sincerely hoping that the rain forecast for the afternoon would somehow miss us. The elite heat races on Red Hill ran smoothly but as the public sprint race was to begin at Canberra Girls Grammar School, the weather gods decided to send down a sprinkle of rain. This was heavy enough for people to seek shelter, pop up umbrellas and cause some chaos with the computers. Thankfully it didn't last too long, but provided too much moisture for the printer to print out the start lists for the Elite final. Our ever reliable computer extraordinaires Bill Jones and Bob Moautt overcame this hiccup easily. The Elite final race was fast and furious with the small complex area of the school surprising many. From all reports, competitors were happy with the challenges of the course. And so the presentations were completed with the help of a few of our juniors - Ella, Aoife and Max handing out the badges.
Between helping out on the remote finish, in the first aid tent, collecting maps and playing in the sand pits, Ella and Katy both completed the easiest course. Ella competed as W10 taking 3rd place. Katy went with Mira in M/W10N and were shadowed by Andy and by all accounts did very well in the tricky buildings.
Pack up was quick was a great team of helpers on hand. We handed over all the gear to Rob and Al before heading back home for a quick shower then opting to go out to dinner to celebrate the event going so well.
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