The first game against the Comets was a steep learning curve for the Galaxy girls and quite confronting with the number (~12!) of goals scored against them. Thankfully though they showed great resilience and determination and only in the last few minutes as their energy levels dropped did they show any sign of having enough.
The last two games have been more even and much more fun. Galaxy scored several goals giving them a much needed confidence boost.
As for Ella, who is playing in the U10 girls, their teams are graded. She made it into the the Div 1 team, which was originally called Belsouth Red but they are now known as the Thunderbirds. This next step up to graded soccer means travelling around Canberra to games! With only one car, and overlapping game times, the logistics of getting to and from soccer is challenging! Unfortunately it also means that we only get to watch one girls game unless of course Ella is scheduled for Hawker. Oh well I suppose it was always going to happen.
Anyway the Thunderbirds have played very well winning their first two matches. Today's opponents gave them a shake up, especially since they haven't been defeated very often in the last two years! The score was 3-0 at half time. The Thunderbirds can back in the second half scoring 2 goals, but so did the other team and the final score was 5 - 2.
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