Confused by what was going on, we were about to come back inside when our neighbour (across the back fence diagonally from us) called out. They'd come out too trying to find the cause of the power surge. From their lounge room window, they said they could see sparks arcing off the powerlines!! The mystery deepened! Then from the darkness another neighbours voice floated across the fence wondering what was going on. According to them all was ok on their side of the fence.
So there we were having a late night over the fence catch up, when someone noticed a large branch covering most of our over the back fence neighbours yard at which point he appeared as well! He inspected the damage with very little to say, and we concluded the branch dropped hitting the powerlines as it fell and thankfully not pulling them down in the process!
We're not sure of the species of this beautiful big eucalypts tree but we have often watched it bend quite violently in stormy weather wondering if would survive and it always did. So it came as a big surprise to find a branch dropping off on an extremely still night.
The neighbours purposely left the branch sprawled across there backyard so that the appropriate tree authority could see and assess the risk in the hope that it was deemed dangerous and could be removed. And in due time we received a letter stating exactly that and informing us that permission had been granted to have it removed. We were both happy and sad about this prospect. It's a gorgeous tree which provides shelter and food for many birds. During the flowering season, the noise from the birds is very loud but also wonderful. On the other hand, while the birds are merrily eating they are also pooping... right on to our washing!!

Then last week I arrived home to see a guy roped up high in the tree with his spiky shoes on and a chainsaw hanging from his belt!! The process had begun! He gave us a wave and we watched in awe of his ability to rope a branch, cut it and lower it seemingly effortlessly with such precision to the ground. In between cuts, I managed to have a chat to him in hope to secure some of the timber for our wood fire for next year. That wasn't a problem he replied.
We had expected the job to be completed within a few days (and to have some free firewood) but that hasn't been the case. Progress has halted with the tree looking now like this. At least I'm more comfortable with hang out the washing now.
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