Both girls have entered the Spring Sc-ore. It's a school based orienteering relay team challenge held over 4 Thursday mornings this term. The competition begins at 8am and concludes 30 mins later allowing us to get back to school in time for the bell. Each week brings a new school to explore!
Ella is with her original team from last Sc-ore event - the Aranda Antelopes which includes Elye, Owen and Emma. Katy has joined forces with her Year 2 buddies - Mira, Connor and Hayden and are known as the Aranda Bandicoots.

The first event was held at North Ainslie Primary School. With 35 teams racing in a very small area, it was chaotic. There were lots of smiles and just as many lost children. Most of them found their way thanks to the numerous adult helpers out on the course. When asked how her first Sc-ore race was Katy replied 'It was fun but I got a bit lost so I just asked the adults at most of the controls!' Looks like we have a some work to do :)

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