I was looking forward to harvesting the broad beans and eager to try out new recipes. Rather than bountiful beans, I discovered this....those pesky possums have been at it again. Last year they didn't touch the beans but this year it seems they had a feast.

With few left, I harvested all remaining beans despite their size. The result was enough beans for a bacon and broad bean risotto.

Looking around the patch, it seems that broad beans weren't the only favourite of the possums. A few of the nectarines were damaged with teeth marks. I quickly netted the tree hoping to deter any future possums attacks and preserve the rest of the crop.
The broccolini seemed to go to seed quickly but I did pick a few stalks. The cauliflower has formed a head and I'll be watching it closely hoping to pick it before it goes to seed too.

Despite these small set backs we did collect a descent amount of vegies from the garden.
As for the rest of the garden, the blooms of the snow gum and the lilac look beautiful and the strawberries out the front look like they are in for a bumper crop.
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