Sunday was hot... good weather for the Tryathlon. Both girls found buddies on the day which made the race more enjoyable for them. As the 50m pool was closed due to maintenance the swam took place in the 'secret' pool (the athletes 50m pool) but as seating was much more restrictive, we didn't bother going in opting to wait at the transition area.
The younger ages competed first, so Katy was first to emerge with her friend Mila. On entry to the transition area, Mila temporarily lost her bike and Katy was trying to help although she didn't know where it was to begin with so not really helping but providing some support! We watched them return from the bike and just made it to the finish to see them cross the line!
Ella and Aoife had to wait around a little longer before their age group started. They kept themselves entertained exploring the Weet Bix arena. When the girls exited the transition on their bikes, there was much confusion as the organisers hadn't expected the new age group to be coming through! Again it was a race to the finish line between the girls and the mums. Am happy to say we are still faster at this stage!!

Towards the end of the tryathlon, we heard from various sources that Ella had won a prize! We learnt after being directed to speak to various officials, that it was a Funkita kit which would arrive in the post! Ella was pretty happy with that!
Back at home, we recovered from the morning effort. Grandad began to gather his things before we ventured off to Ella's silks class. Grandad watched in amazement as she twisted and twirled wrapping herself up in the silk performing all sorts of tricks. Meanwhile Katy rock climbed, still enjoying the single rope the most.
It was a quick turn around at home before farewelling Grandad on his flight back to Perth.
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