Luckily the lodge had a workshop which was bound to have the right tools. A thorough search saw us turn up empty handed on the tool front however in the meantime, Cath had managed to loosen the nuts with her fingertips and all was looking good again! Well until, the new battery was placed in and Eoin bumped one of the nuts which disappeared into a crevice never to be see again. Thankfully the workshop did have lots of nuts and bolts including one of the correct size! Soon the engine was roaring and we were off.
From the Sawpit picnic area, we followed the Sawpit walking track for a kilometre where we turned off continuing along Sawpit Creek while the Dads finished the loop returning to the cars. They drove them to our finish destination the Thredbo River picnic area and walked back up the Pallaibo track to meet up.
We were playing Celebrity head hoping the river would come in view so that the much anticipated rock hopping could begin! The forest was dry, the sun warm and tempers were starting to fray! This walk wasn't exactly turning into what we had envisaged!
A few lollies, the track turning downhill and the Dads appearing all worked in our favour. With news that the Thredbo River was close, Aoife and Ella took off.
By the time we joined them, they were well and truly in the refreshing cool water exploring. Unfortunately we could only play here for a short time as Ella had wanted to make her silks class which meant we needed to be back in Canberra by 3pm.
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