Planning for a party began early with Ella brainstorming many ideas, however a Glow in the Dark party at home trumped the lot thanks to the awesome memories of Ella's 8th birthday party.
Armed this time with a black light and lots of glow sticks we were sure to have a fun time and we did. First activity was in pairs - face painting. Not that exciting until the lights were turned off and the black light turned on.

The meatballs and pasta was a hit for dinner. Not too many opted for sushi - Ella was happy though as she had sushi for lunch the next day!

Next we wandered down to the oval and threw around glow stick stuffed wiffle balls. Actually we discovered these plastic balls with holes in them, in the cat toys section of our local $2 dollar shop which was a bonus. Challenges included throwing the furtherest as well as landing in the glow stick hoop.... both activities provided interesting results. The furthest throw was won by someone who rolled their ball and it took numerous goes for someone to get a bullseye by landing their ball in the glow stick hoop!

Back at home, we played the next game on the driveway. A variation on the chocolate or holiday game. The girls were required to dress in the costumes, run up to the table and transfer as many lollies as possible into their team box. The catch though was they had to use chopsticks! After a random amount of time, Andy blew a whistle signalling the girls to return to their team undress and pass the costume on to the next person. Lots of laughs were had in this game!
We calmed everyone down with birthday cake - a simple sponge adorned with raspberries and strawberries and even coloured flame candles! The girls then happily retreated by themselves into the lounge to play a murder in the dark game waiting for parents to arrive. Another wonderful birthday party had finished!
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