Sunday, June 17, 2018

Term Project

This term, Ella is required to create her own wonder of the world after studying the natural and modern wonders of the world. Demonstrating her love of birds, she firstly wanted to create a bird statue of liberty...then her attention turned to a giant fungi forest. The project due in week 10 includes building a replica of their wonder to be place on their desk plus a poster and oral presentation. Wondering about the construction therefore influenced Ella's choice. We threw around a few ideas before she pounced on the idea of a terrarium with fimo made mushrooms and fungi.

As we were heading to Bunnings to investigate potential structures for our renovated vegie beds, Ella did her own investigating for available materials for her project. We walked out of Bunnings with more decisions to make, while Ella walked out with her terrarium sorted!! Back at home she gathered a few more materials from the garden before beginning.

Unfortunately the fimo at home had dried out so another trip to the shops was needed to purchase more clay. Ella then set to work on the giant fungi and mushrooms for her forest. She added a plastic wombat - representing a Diprotodon (a giant wombat) - the largest marsupial to ever have lived! Ella also pilfered the hiker from my terrarium which together with the wombat add a sense of scale to her Forest of Giant Fungi. The accompanying poster and oral presentation is still work in progress. Hoping that the plants are still alive in a few weeks when the project is due!

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