is an all inclusive writing competition at school with 4 finalists selected from each year group from which a Winner and Runner Up are announced at a special assembly. Both girls have success in this competition before - Katy with her Wombat story (see
here) and Ella with her Aves story (see
This year, the teachers were a little sneaky in an attempt to alert parents if their child had been selected by sending a note home with the sibling! So Ella presents us with a yellow envelope addressed - To the Parents of Katy Hogg. We open this together (with Ella and not Katy) and read the letter which states your child (Katy) is a finalist and inviting us to attend the Just 50 Words assembly.
Instantly you could read Ella's mind - disappointment not to have gotten a note. We swore her to secrecy. Several weeks passed and Andy was putting Katy to bed, when out of Katy's bag came a yellow envelope address - To the Parents of Ella Hogg. Katy had forgotten all about the note! He opened it with her and read it out. Katy burst into tears distraught that she hadn't got a note!!
It was quite a funny situation really - Ella was angry she hadn't got what she had worked so hard for and Katy was distraught that hers hadn't been chosen!! Oh if they only knew :) We safety tucked the envelopes away in the junk drawer and noted the date in the calendar.
Sometime closer to the assembly, I got up one morning and Katy who was already up had a yellow envelope in her hand. Apparently she had been looking for something and had been ruffling around in the bottom drawer of junk and discovered it. She wanted to know what was in the envelope, despite already having high suspicions and so I opened it with her and read it out. At first she was surprised but this turned to tears after she'd realised it was no longer a surprise!
Andy attended the assembly. Ella was stoked to say the least and Katy pretended to be surprised! Their stories were read out to the audience and although neither were chosen as runner up or the winner we are super proud of both of them.
ABANDONED - The inky house stood tall and dangerous! Without warning a door swung open. A horned creatures shadow glowed through the mist. I dove behind the decaying deck. 'Please don't find me' I said barely whispering. Pulling myself from the cramped hiding spot I fought back tears. I was safe but abandoned.
SNAP - It was there. Gleaming brightly in the golden sand. I had to take it but was it mine to have? I wanted it badly so badly. I bent down carefully inspecting it. I slowly reached out but just as I was going to snatch it SNAP! I hate hermit crabs.