Saturday, March 30, 2019

Hiking in our Backyard

We are now at the stage of counting weekends, as our time in France is coming to an end. There are two weekends left - this weekend we hung around Grenoble, as the following weekend we will be skiing.  The weather was beautiful coinciding nicely with the clocks changing for summertime. With Bill joining us, we caught the local bus alighting 10km north east of Grenoble at the Col de Vence. Our choices were to climb Mont Saint-Eynard, the imposing impressive 1300m peak to the east or skirt west along the ridge below Mt Rachais, all below 1000m. Not surprisingly the girls chose the latter.


The route climbed slowly for the first few kms with spectacular views over the Gresivaudan valley to the Belledonne ranges. There were lots of stops, interspersed with complaints, but generally it was a lovely walk.



We veer off to Mt Jalla and spend time there watching a bird of prey and a bunch of paragliders enjoying the mountain thermals.


Clambering down the small steep rutted path on the south side of Mont Jalla, we arrive at the Bastille, before winding our way down the hill to pick up a flute from the boulangerie for lunch.

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