Based at a very cool air bnb in Brunswick, we walked the short distance through the park to the Melbourne Zoo. The Zoo visit was one of Katy's birthday presents and it turns out a cheap one at that as all kids get in for free during school holidays!
Entering the zoo at the Rail Gate, our first loop was the Lion Gorge. The African Wild dogs were roaming looking for food, the lions were enjoying relaxing in the sunshine, the funny looking coatis were busy, the snow leopards nowhere to be seen and the Sumatran tiger was sadly pacing its enclosure.

Leaving the Lion Gorge, we made a beeline to the Great Flight Aviary for the 10.30am keeper talk. With no sign of the keeper, we wandered through the aviary spotting various birds - Bush Stone Curlews, Jabiru, Red Tailed Black Cockatoos, before returning to the entrance hoping someone would turn up which they eventually did. Unfortunately the keeper talk was very rushed and slightly disappointing - especially for our bird enthusiast Ella who was keen to soak up more info on birds!

Leaving the aviary, we continued around the Australian Bush loop, finishing at the koalas as they were being feed. Katy and Andy got prime views of these cuddly creatures! Already feeling the heat, we called into the Giraffe Lookout Cafe for a morning snack. A great spot, as the name suggests to watch the giraffes and zebras go about their business.
Katy was keen to see the seal talk, so we found the Wild Sea trail and made our way to the seal enclosure. Obviously a popular talk as the seating area was packed but we managed to squeeze ourselves onto some steps. The seal show while educating us all on seals, their behaviour and training also had nicely woven environmental message into it.

After a bite to eat, we were eager to find the Butterfly house and see if it lived up to its reputation. We had a great close up view of another happier Sumatran tiger who was enjoying a meal as we scooted by in search of butterflies.
Going by the large number of people inside the butterfly house, it looked like it wasn't going to disappoint. Once through the double doors, the inside of the glasshouse was muggy and crowded but full of butterflies. We all paused and soon had numerous butterflies landing on us. They especially loved Ella's yellow hat!
By the time we exited the butterfly house, it was early afternoon, we were all feeling a little parched and decided that the Trail of the Elephants would be our final loop. Wandering through the lush Asian inspired landscaping, we watched the elephants and the orang-utans. With more exciting plans for the evening we were all glad to return back to our loft to relax for a few hours.