It was suppose to be a holiday down on the south coast, however the airbnb place that we'd booked in the middle of 2019 was sold in September and subsequently cancelled our booking as it was no longer an airbnb!! A few frantic days were spent trying to find a suitable place that 1. could house 13 people, 2. wasn't too expensive 3. was on the coast and 4. was available! Mission impossible so we suggested to retreat to the lodge at Guthega to spend a few days in the mountains!! Our misfortune was actually a blessing as bushfires ravaged the south coast (and most of the south east corner of Australia) for 10 days over the Christmas / New Year period.
We were glad to leave smoky hot Canberra for the clear cool mountain air on the 29th December. After giving our guests a guided tour of the lodge, we ventured out on a short walk to the Flying Fox where the kids could play in the chilly waters of Farm creek. Ella took her new camera to test out.
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