Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Home School

Current Covid conditions have certainly changed our lives. School work for Katy has been limited with the second trial looking something like this -

The teachers and school are still fine tuning the delivery with the focus on providing a daily schedule beginning in Term 2. Once the above program was complete, Katy turned her attention to the Earthquake project that was to be due this week. An earthquake was to be researched and the information presented to the class by whichever method the student decided on.

Ella persuaded Katy not do a powerpoint presentation as in her experience, they became boring to listen to. Instead she suggested to make a film. After much brainstorming, Katy decided on an interview platform in which different 'experts' (all with variations of Katy's name) would present their opinions on the 2011 Tohoku earthquake. Ella was going to play the role as the host of the show. All began well with the filming despite everyone laughing so hard at the bloopers!

The following day, filming was scheduled to continue, however disagreement between the host and experts erupted and the show subsequently cancelled. Katy went back to the drawing board and with director Andy on board, produced the following clip! Great effort Katy!

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