The next cache was a short ride away on the red bridge. Slightly cryptic instructions had us wandering up, down and under the bridge and attempting various other searches - all in vain as once again we came up empty handed. Not a great start to our exploring.
Luckily the next cache was simple, located next to Ella's high school. On opening the cache the girls sorted through the treasures inside while I was busy logging the cache. Katy holds up a small square blue packet and asked me what it is. I'm momentarily stunned as I look and see that blue packet is a condom!!! I try to fob it off but then Ella begins to giggle!! Obviously this girly giggling is intriguing to both Katy and Mira who look at it more closely wonder what it is! Ella's education it seems has come from reading Kaz Cooke's book Girl Stuff 13+. Still making a fuss, I told Ella she could inform them but she was way too embarrassed! So with no beating around the bush I explain in very simple general terms as to the contents of the packet and it's use and was met with quiet embarrassment! Surprisingly everyone retreated quickly to their bikes and were keen to get going! Fine by me :)

Through the streets of Macquarie to the school oval and amongst the ivy we discovered the last cache. Another interesting trip.

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