Wow! We woke up to a wintery snowy landscape thanks to the overnight storm. Unfortunately the clouds remained during the day along with a constant light flutter of snowflakes. The upside of course is that the grassy patches and rocks that were beginning to emerge on the pistes would once again be covered.

I'm definitely a fair weather skier. I like to see where I'm going, when I'm going to hit a bump and plan my turns - all for self preservation and to avoid injury at any cost. Hence on days like today when the snow arrived and visibility plummeted, I really struggled to stay out on the slopes for very long at all. I thought lasting for 2 hours was an awesome effort!! Andy on the other hand is a ski die hard - he will spend every last minute on the slopes pretty much regardless of the conditions. Today he was mostly confined to the blue calf and brumby t-bars making the best of the very snowy conditions.
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