Susie's hamstring injury was serious enough to keep her off the slopes for the remainder of the trip. She did manage a short snow shoe excursion to take photos of us skiers. Katy was next to have an impressive stack wrenching her knee in the process. Andy was with her at the time and thought he might need help however after Katy had recovered from the initial shock, they were able to limp ski back across the runs and straight into the lodge.
It was my turn next - an injury not sustained on the slope but rather in the kitchen. I picked up a mug that the kids had accidentally broken the handle off and was considering whether to wrap it before placing it in the rubbish bin as I brushed my palm over the rough part. Unfortunately the broken edge nicely (and painlessly) sliced open my palm between my thumb and index finger. Susie was standing next to me and saw the whole situation unfold and we exchanged concerned looks at the sight of the cut before I quickly closed my hand to prevent it bleeding too much. Susie then rushed off for the first aid kit while I cursed myself for being so stupid especially as it was my right hand which is my scanning hand at work!! Although the cut was deep, we thought the I could get away by using steri strips to keep the edges together. After a few hours, I opened up my hand too much while playing cards and burst the clotting wound which then required another round of steri strips and a bandage to be applied. I was much more careful in not using it so all was ok after that.
The next day was home time. The lodge was cleaned from top to bottom, the kids cleared the snow from the balcony while the dads dug out the cars. All took about the same time - a few hours to complete! The drive out was very different with so much more snow covering the mountains and bush but not much on the road.

By the time we arrived home, Andy and Ella were both feeling sick. Although we thought they were run down from a big skiing holiday week, it was decided they should have a Covid test. Off they went late Sunday afternoon with Indi to the drive through testing facility at EPIC. Unfortunately pets were not allowed in the cars for the testing so poor Indi was tied up to a tree outside with a security guard keeping an eye on her!
By midnight, 7 hours post covid test, Andy received his text announcing he was negative. Ella stayed home from school on Monday and was patiently waiting for her text. By Monday afternoon, Ella's results were still unknown so I called work to let them know I wouldn't be coming in on Tuesday which would allow a bit more healing of my hand too. Ella had perked up by Tuesday and we were still not so patiently waiting for a text. By Tuesday afternoon despite the Covid info sheet saying not to call for results, I called!! Ella was becoming more anxious and as a health care worker I couldn't work until the test results came back. The lady who took my call was lovely and yes the results were ready - Ella's test was also negative. Not sure as to why we hadn't received notification sooner. Anyhow, Ella was so ecstatic that she scooted off to school for the final hour of the day!! By Wednesday life was back to the normal work / school routines and my hand held up fine.
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