Friday, August 7, 2020

Family Genetics

The Hogg family are renowned for their curly toes and both of our girls have inherited this family trait. Katy though complained recently about a sore toe and on closer inspection, the 2nd and 4th toes on her left foot were indeed curly (also red and swollen) but way too much! It looked like Katy was walking on the tip / nail of her toe(s) rather that pad. So after a consultation with the family physio and GP, it was decided that these toes were more than Hoggie toes and required a trip to the podiatrist. 

At the podiatrist, Katy told him they weren't Hoggie toes and he looked quite confused not knowing what Hoggie toes were. A quick explanation helped him understand the meaning. Unfortunately for Katy, there is no conservative treatment available and she will need surgery to correct the alignment of these toes. So now it's off to see an orthopaedic surgeon....

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