Monday, September 28, 2020

School Holiday Adventures

School holidays have changed in the last year - no more holiday programs as both girls are sadly over them. This means we now can leave them to entertain themselves (or get bored) while we are at work. However when I did get the opportunity to be home, I wanted to do something with them and so suggested going on a picnic to the river with Indi. Both girls agreed to join us.

It was a short drive out west to the edge of Belconnen to Shepherds Lookout. I've run here before and knew although the trail to the Molonglo river was relatively short, it was also steep. The sun was shining as we ambled our way down ignoring the no dogs sign. By the time we arrived at the river both girls were hot and eager to go swimming!

Can't say the water looked that inviting - it was brown and turbulent. Anyway the girls waded and so did Indi. She got the wettest as she doggy paddled around! Everyone was happy. Post swim we enjoyed a sushi picnic lunch before trekking back up the hill. We were hot and sweaty at the top and needed an ice cream on the way home. Twas a nice adventure.

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