Saturday, October 31, 2020

Happy Halloween

We've never really got into the Halloween palava. This year though both girls were horrified that Andy's annual work retreat was planned for that weekend. They pleaded and begged and yelled and yelled more and suggested different options all involving them staying in Canberra for Halloween. We weren't budging  though and were therefore very unpopular. The weather gods however took great pity on them and organised a huge storm resulting in the camping trip to be abandoned. Both girls were happy!

Halloween arrived and the girls donned their respective outfits - Ella went as the Queen of Hearts, having spent the previous two weeks creating and sewing her outfit. Katy went as a zombie! 

Both girls met their friends. Ella joined a very large group of girls who unfortunately after a short period of time splintered up. Ella and her friend Chen decided to go solo and after securing enough lollies and chocolates to sink a ship, made their way back to our place. Meanwhile, Al and I trailed behind the littler girls - Katy, Mira, Ari and Alma with her friends. As we wandered the streets of Cook bumping into various people - some friends, some strangers - we were very impressed by a few houses who had gone to exceptional efforts to create something special for those out. The Nightmare on Moss St did a stirling decoration effort as did another house that had constructed a downpipe to delivery one's chosen chocolate!

And so it really is pretty obvious as to why the girls have taken a sudden an interest in Halloween when their loot bag looks like this...

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