Thursday, December 24, 2020

Made it to the Mountains

The lead up to Christmas was busy and stressful. My work has been extremely busy and our practice was open until 1pm on Christmas Eve. This meant I needed to be packed and ready prior to leaving for work so that Andy and Ella (Katy was already at Guthega having joined Nana and Grandpa the previous day) could pick me up in the afternoon and we'd head straight for the mountains! Roles were reversed so while I was at work, Andy was doing the last minute organising, packing and dog dropping off! 

Anyhow we made it to Guthega by late afternoon and joined the rest of the family who were already there - Nana, Grandpa, Susie, Patrick, Josh and Mia, Cathy and Rohan. We unpacked and sorted our stuff out while dinner was being cooked for us. Then it was time to relax and let the stress of a busy life melt away! Guthega would be home for the next few days.

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