Monday, January 11, 2021

Andy's Summer Adventures II

An overnight hike from Guthega to Mt Twynam has been on our radar for some time now. As I was busy working and Ella incapacitated, Andy and Katy took the opportunity of the nice weather to explore the mountains. They were joined by Rob, Mira, Max and friend Will as well as JP and Ev. 

They left Sunday afternoon to spend the first night at the lodge and do a car shuffle leaving one car at Charlotte's Pass. The next morning, bags were packed and the group left Guthega bound for a campsite on Pond Creek under the peak of Mt Anton. It was 7km of walking with several rest stops while the kids got used to walking with heavy packs.

After choosing and setting up camp followed by lunch, it was time for exploring! There was a bit of playing in the creek, a short walk and rock climb up Mt Anton as well as a snowball fight with some skiing!!

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