Friday, June 18, 2021

So Familiar Yet Different

It's been 2 years since I was last in Perth and 4 years for Andy. So many things are familiar but there are numerous new things! For example we came home from the airport via the Roe Hwy (after Dad missed the Leach Hwy exit!!) but it was really fast and now ends at Murdoch University. 

My morning runs have been around the usual routes - Beeliar Regional Park, Bibra Lake and Murdoch Uni and during these I've been reminded about how beautiful the native flowers are here - the silver princess in the Grandies front garden is blossoming and looks gorgeous!

Today, Andy spent the morning in at UWA visiting work colleagues while the girls and I hung around with the Grandies. Afte lunch we ventured into Kings Park planning to intersect with Andy who had gone running after his meeting had finished. The girls and I parked at the Zamia Cafe from where we trundled up the Broadwalk Vista to the DNA tower.

Unfortunately the DNA Tower was under wraps - apparently getting a face lift which was due to be unveiled in late June. We continued on through the Botanical Gardens to the Lotterywest Federation Treetop walk. A 600m raised walkway on the scarp with city and river views. 

In the evening we split ways with the girls - they went with the Grandies for fish'n'chips at Fremantle and we met up with Adrian and Heather for an adult dinner - which I think is a first!!

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