Friday, September 3, 2021

Skater Chick

These are interesting times which have allowed new ideas to emerge and be explored especially by Katy. After trying out Aoife's new skateboard, Katy was hooked and immediately researched one to buy. It took a few days deciding on options before an order was placed.

The said skateboard arrived on Friday afternoon in pieces. Having finished school for the day, Katy, with Andy's assistance hopped straight into building it on the deck in the sunshine. Meanwhile Ella was on a physio telehealth call with Cathy while I was reading a book and Indi was lazing around. Some 15 minutes later and hey presto the board was ready to use.

The gang headed around to the smooth surface of the driveway. It was here that Andy revealed details of his youth and skating days. His days were numbered as a skater as the only skate park in Canberra was an hour bus trip away! Despite this he gave Katy's board a go before disappearing back to work for another zoom meeting!

The arrival of Katy's skateboard brought laughter and enthusiasm back into our house which made for a nice change.

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